Disconnect to Reconnect

Disconnect to Reconnect

Call it addition by subtraction, letting go, or disconnect to reconnect. 

Friday, my 15-year old son, aka Stud, three other young men, another adult, and I went backpacking above Breckenridge, CO. As we left town my phone wasn’t fully charged, so to conserve battery I turned off my reception. Best choice I ever made. 

I spent 19 hours mostly disconnected from the virtual world and totally connected to the real world.

What Do Millionaires and Olympians Know and Do?

Greg LeVine, an author, radio show host, and entrepreneur, wanted to know what millionaires and Olympians know and do. Our interview can be found here.





Millionaire Success Story Heidi Ganahl

Today I'm sharing another interview from my book, 21 Questions for 21 Millionaires. Today's post is from one of my favorite people as I share with you the millionaire success story of Heidi Ganahl.

Tell me about you.

I grew up in southern California until I was about 13, then our family moved from Irvine to Monument, Colorado, a small town just north of the Air Force Academy near Colorado Springs.

Millionaire Success Story Lane Nemeth

Today I'm sharing the interview with one of my favorite entrepreneurs, Lane Nemeth. Her story is so rich and full of amazing events, I hope you enjoy it almost half as much as I do.

You wanted to buy some great educational products for your daughter Tara and you couldn’t find them anywhere?

They were only available if you were a teacher and could go through a teacher supply house with a purchase order. I couldn’t do that so it became very complicated.